Category: Uncategorized
China Launches World’s First Dedicated Drone Carrier – YouTube
Comments29 · LIVE: Putin in China | India to Operate Iran’s Chabahar Port | Vantage this Week with Palki Sharma…
Alien Retcons an Annoying Plot Point from One of Its Worst Sequels
series has explored what could have happened if Carter Burke survived Aliens; now the comic’s latest issue retcons a major…
Aliens invade downtown McMinnville for annual McMenamins UFO Festival – Oregon Live
Aliens invade downtown McMinnville for annual McMenamins UFO Festival. Updated: May. 18, 2024, 4:01 p.m. |; Published: May. 18, 2024,…
McMenamins UFO Festival in McMinnville – oregonlive.com
McMenamins UFO Festival. Thousands descend upon downtown McMinnville, Oregon for the annual McMenamins UFO Festival on Saturday, May 18, 2024.
Rick Scott seeks end to ‘illegal alien welfare campaign’ from Joe Biden – Florida Politics
“I’m proud to cosponsor the Reshape Alternatives to Detention Act, which would end Biden’s illegal alien welfare campaign, stop illegal…
A glimpse of alien civilisations? – ScienceDirect
News & Technology. Space. A glimpse of alien civilisations? Author links … aliens might draw huge amounts of power. If…
Men Journey Across Acadiana Carrying Flags and Crucifix – 97.3 The Dawg
The walk from Lafayette to Prairie Ronde in St. Landry Parish is approximately 38 miles. LOOK: The states with the…
PHOTOS: 24th UFO Fest invades McMinnville – KOIN.com
Skeptics and believers alike landed in McMinnville for the 24th annual McMenamins UFO Festival this Friday and Saturday.
ENTERTAINMENT SPOTLIGHT: Film shows ‘aliens’ intervening for Natives – Tahlequah Daily Press
The main people in “Primary Contact” stand around a movie “alien satellite” prop. From left are: Marcus Thompson, Jason Sunday,…
West Virginia is ground-zero for UFO research, extraterrestrial encounters
A top paranormal investigator says West Virginia has a long association with UFO activity, both because of its role in…